railway couplers

Based on a 90 years experience in the conception of couplers and other freight railway systems, our design department is one of the most compentent in this area of activity. LAF technical experts design and develop specific products meeting any kind of requirements and any king of customer problematic.

A team of experts

LAF brings together the best hitch design experts on the market. Our design office benefits from :

unrivaled experience in railway couplings,

a strong knowledge of the railway norms requirements,

and an unchanging desire to develop solutions for our customers.

Constantly on the lookout for new challenges, we are committed to providing you with the most competitive answer that is best suited to your problem.

to design and simulate

Our team competence is also reinforced by computing tools dedicated to designing robust solutions.

Computer assisted design software and dedicated calculation tool allow our team to design complex components answering to demanding technical requirements. Depending on customer’s request, our design department is able to propose

  • Finite element analysis reports,
  • physical testing in certified laboratories, with specialized sub-contractors, any kind of complementary analysis.

Our goal ? Satisfy all technical requirements of our customers and validate our products before their installation to guarantee an unrivalled quality and lifetime.

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